Traditional Adventures

Pack Nights
What is a Pack Night?
In Cub Scouting, children are grouped by age into individual Dens. A Den consists of 6-8 children, adult leaders and helpers. The Dens meet about twice a month to work on fun projects, earning badges and awards along the way.
Each month, all of the Dens get together for a Pack Night. These meetings include special ceremonies to present Scouts with the badges they've earned and include fun activities. Parents and siblings are always welcome at Pack Nights to help celebrate their Scouts' achievements. Pack Nights run from September through May.

Hiking Club
Miles and Miles of Smiles!
The Pack 94 Hiking Club was started in 2012 as an enhancement to our already exciting program. It was viewed as an inexpensive activity that brought families together outdoors for a leisurely stroll.
Since then, participation has grown every year with some treks sporting over 50 hikers! Part of the attraction is that the Pack 94 Hiking Club Chairperson keeps track of every mile hiked at each outing and we recognize our Scouts for all of their steps. Patches and rockers denote special milestones, while an official pack 94 Hiking Staff is awarded to each Scout who walks 15 miles with us. We recognized our first 100-mile hiker in February of 2016.
Visit our HIKING CLUB PAGE each month to see where we're going and sign-up for the hikes you'd like to join.

Pinewood Derby
Get Down and Derby!
The Pinewood Derby has been an integral part of Cub Scouting for over 60 years with millions of children participating. Ask any adult what their favorite memory of Cub Scouting is and they're bound to say it was racing the car they (and their parent) built on Pinewood Derby Race Day. We hold ours each January.
Pack 94 is lucky to have a fully restored and professionally refinished wooden derby track with a modern electronic timer and scoring software. Our Race Day is a huge endeavor with concessions, games, crafts, plus races for Scouts, adults and siblings. We even offer an "outlaw" round where cars can be loaded up beyond the traditional racing weight!
It's always GREAT fun and we recognize the efforts of as many Scouts as possible each year. You can find all about our Race Day and preliminary events at the official PACK 94 PINEWOOD DERBY PAGE.
Additional Annual Adventures
In addition to all of the traditional Cub Scout adventures listed at left, Pack 94 has a number of annual events that our Scouts look forward to participating in each year:
End of Summer Family Picnic
Fall Family Campout
Model Rocket Launch
New Lenox Tree Decorating
Winter Pack Swim
New Lenox Loyalty Day Parade
Spring Family Campout & Crossover

Blue and Gold
Recognition, Fun and Food!
The annual Blue and Gold Banquet is the culmination of all of our Scouts' efforts at learning and earning throughout the year. This is the day they are recognized for achieving their badges of rank. The awards are presented in front of friends and family along with a solemn and inspiring ceremony.
This is also the day that our eldest children, the Webelos II Scouts, take their very first steps toward their new adventures in Boy Scouting and their path to becoming Eagle Scouts.
Add to that some great decorations made by the Scouts themselves, lively entertainment and a delicious dinner, and you've got one GREAT day for Pack 94! You can find out more at the official BLUE AND GOLD PAGE.

Bobcat Bonanza
Learning and Earning from the Start!
One of the most exciting aspects of Cub Scouting is receiving recognition for learning new skills and "doing your best" in a huge variety of activities. The very first badge every new Cub Scout (regardless of age) must earn is the Bobcat Badge.
To get our new kids started on the right foot each year, Pack 94 holds a Bobcat Bonanza in early October. All new Scouts and their families are invited. We cover the basics of Cub Scouting, the Scout Oath & Law, plus the Cub Scout motto, salute, sign and handshake. Once we've practiced a few times, we break for a super fun evening.
Scouts attending the Bonanza (and completing the one do-at-home requirement about safety) will then receive their Bobcat Badge at the next Pack Night! It's a great way to start off on the right foot! You can find out more at our BOBCAT BONANZA PAGE.

Scouting for Food
A Good Turn for our Community!
One of Scouting's most important principles is Duty to County, and as Cub Scouts, we strive to serve our community at every opportunity. The Boy Scouts of America have established a nation-wide program called "Scouting for Food" which delivers non- perishable food items to food pantries.
Pack 94 participates in the New Lenox Scouts Food Drive in which Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts work together in a massive effort to collect donations from New Lenox residents, sort them and deliver them to our local food pantries. For many local Scouters, it's one of the best events of the year!
You can find out more at our SCOUTING FOR FOOD PAGE.